About us

Corporate Governance

About us / Corporate Governance

Corporate governance in TDC NET is exercised through a number of corporate bodies.

In accordance with Danish legislation, TDC NET has a two-tier management structure consisting of the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee. The Board of Directors is responsible for the overall management of the company and for appointing a competent Executive Committee. The Executive Committee is responsible for the day-to-day management of the company. The responsibilities and duties between the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee are clearly outlined and described in the Rules of Procedures for the Board and the Rules of Procedures for the Executive Committee respectively.

TDC NET shareholders have the final authority of the company and exercise their rights at the Annual General Meeting, where they appoint the Board of Directors and the independent auditor and complete tasks such as approving the annual report.

Rules on governance, including share capital, general meetings, shareholder decisions, election of members to the Board of Directors etc. are described in the Article of Associations which are available here.

Read more about the Board of Directors and the Board of Directors Sub-committees below.

Recommendations from the committee on Corporate Governance

As an advocate for transparency, TDC NET has chosen to publish a Corporate Governance Statement based on the recommendations in line with the “comply-or-explain” principal cf. section 107b of the Danish Financial Statements Act. The statement is based on the Good corporate governance recommendations from December 2020. Read more in the “comply-or-explain” statement