Get connected to TDC NET Fibre – and let all residents choose their preferred provider

Our digital society is changing rapidly, and our everyday lives increasingly depend on lightning-fast, secure and stable connections. Fibre networks from TDC NET are not connected to a specific Internet, TV and telephony subscription provider, so residents are free to choose the provider or providers they prefer. 

Learn more about opportunities to future-proof your property with TDC NET Fibre. 

Many advantages of TDC NET Fibre in a property

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Prepared for intelligent building management

Fibre from TDC NET is prepared for intelligent building management, which can give major energy and CO2 savings.
Thumbs Up

Tried and tested process

Our validated processes and construction work mean that you can confidently choose fibre from TDC NET.

Everyone chooses their own provider

TDC NET ensures lightning-fast connection in newly constructed properties. We leave Internet, TV and telephony subscriptions to other providers. Our digital infrastructure is open, with access for all providers. The property’s residents are free to choose their Internet connection, TV or telephony provider.
1000 Mbit

Future-proof solution

Each device gets up to 1,000 Mbit, with the option of even greater bandwidth in the future.

No operation and maintenance

We take care of general operation and maintenance, including security updates.

Would you like us to check opportunities for fibre in your association?

You can check whether we’re rolling out fibre in your area here.

If not, you can sign up to our interest list. Sign up here and we’ll contact you if TDC NET’s rollout of the fibre network reaches your neighbourhood.

If you represent an owners’, cooperative owners’ or non-profit association of at least 50 households (or a detached homeowners’ association of at least 250 households), for which there are no current plans to roll out fibre, you can use the contact form below.

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