Denmark's best mobile network – with nationwide 5G. A bit ahead of the future.

For nine years in a row, TDC NET has been measured as Denmark's best mobile network.  We were first with nationwide 5G have upgraded and accelerating the digital development. Because we think Denmark need to be a bit ahead. Of the future.

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Why 5G?

TDC NET aims to connect Denmark and the Danes. With each other and with the rest of the world. But also with the future – which is right around the corner.

The Danes’ consumption of mobile data grew from the first half of 2022 to the first half of 2023 by 13.6%. To ensure we don’t delay the development, Denmark needs a stable and lightning-fast infrastructure that can support digitalisation.

That’s why, in collaboration with our Swedish technology partner Ericsson, we’ve invested heavily in upgrading our entire network in record time – without compromising on either quality or security.

This means that not only does Denmark have nationwide 5G on our mobile network, but also that the 4G network that many Danes use delivers significantly higher speeds and increased capacity.

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Higher speed

In the future, 5G will be able to deliver download speeds up to 20 times faster than 4G.
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Lower latency

The response time on 5G is down to 1 millisecond, which is 15 times lower than on 4G.

Larger capacity

With 5G, one million connections on a single square kilometer can be connected. At the same time.

What is 5G?

5G means "fifth generation" mobile network. With 5G, downloads can be up to 20 times faster in the future. Delays become a thing of the past. And there will be room for everyone – at the same time. Furthermore, 5G can strengthen our emergency response by making it possible to reserve space on the mobile network for, for instance, health authorities in case of emergency.

But it's not just an improvement with significantly higher speeds and greater stability than 4G. The 5G technology is a prerequisite for the future. Or at least the future of self-driving cars, remote surgery, and all sorts of other things that we cannot even imagine yet.

Experience the best and fastest 5G mobile network in all of Denmark

All of Denmark has access to 5G. In fact, the Danish Technological Institute recently measured our 5G coverage at a whopping 99,9%. To experience the benefits of the 5G network, you need a phone and a subscription that supports 5G.

TDC NET has 5G coverage all over Denmark

Find you 5G subscription

A selection of providers is offering 5G subscriptions. You cannot get that from us. We are just making sure it works and serves our ambition to offer Denmark's best mobile network to you and Denmark. For the 9th year in a row, the Danish Technological Institute has measured our mobile network as Denmark's best. Read the report here.

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Denmark's best mobile network

For the 9th year in a row, the Danish Technological Institute has measured our mobile network and concluded that it’s the best in Denmark. We want to maintain this position in the future. 5G is the mobile infrastructure of the future. It is the digital highway for self-driving cars, the network of the Internet of Things, and the foundation on which smart cities will be built. But first and foremost, 5G will deliver much better connections with greater capacity, higher speeds, and less lag.

TDC NET has connected Danes for more than 140 years. And we’ll continue to do so. We’re not just building the infrastructure of today, but also of the future. That’s why TDC NET is the first Danish provider to offer nationwide 5G with a coverage of 99,9%. Because we want to invest in Denmark’s digital future.


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First in Denmark. Forward into the world.

TDC NET is the first with 5G in Denmark. And with nationwide 5G, Denmark is consolidating a digital leadership position in the world. For Danes and the Danish business community.

5G is the prerequisite for remote-controlled robots, drones, remote surgery, traffic management and a wide range of other digital solutions for home care, the agriculture and companies.

With 5G on our national network, we get the opportunity to test and develop upcoming digital solutions. A little ahead of the future.

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Self-driving cars are just one example

Cars that can handle data in real time, and react faster than humans, do not collide.

Physical distance between a surgical specialist in Jutland and the operating room on Zealand will no longer be an obstacle.

A drone that can perform dangerous work on a bridge structure.

A robot that never gets tired and therefore never makes mistakes. In the future, 5G will change everything that depends on a mobile connection. And that's more or less everything.

Security and health

With digitalization and new technologies comes progress and new opportunities. But also concern about how these new technologies will affect our everyday lives. That is why, health and safety is an integral and natural part of TDC NET's business development and operation.

As a provider of nationwide digital infrastructure, it is crucial for us that society has confidence that we meet the regulation and regulatory requirements that apply to our area. We therefore have an ongoing dialogue and exchange of experience with authorities, partners and industry representatives to ensure that we are always at the forefront of the latest knowledge and development. We are also happy to have dialogues with citizens who have concerns about technology development. Based on scientific studies, the Danish Health and Medicines Authority assesses that there is no reason to be concerned about whether there is a health risk associated with 5G. In TDC NET, we also regularly perform voluntary control measurements in areas where people live and stay. The measurements have been well below the limit values ​​for the last ten years. Our own measurements of 5G confirm that we remain well below.

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