We have created connections for nearly 140 years
1876 - 1879
The world's – and Denmark's – first telephones
Alexander Graham Bell patented the world’s first telephone and one year later the first telephones arrived in Denmark. In 1879, Bell Telephone Co. opens its branch in Denmark. Two years later in 1881, the company opens the first telephone exchange in Copenhagen to serve the city’s 22 subscribers.
1880s and 1890s
State monopoly on telephone services
At the end of the century, many local telephone companies were established around the country’s major cities, and around the turn of the century, there were as many as 57 telephone companies in Denmark. The telephone has become an important form of communication, and in 1897 the state had a monopoly on the establishment and operation of telephone services.
From monopoly to liberalised market
In 1990, the regional telecommunication companies in Denmark merged into one, Tele Danmark. The company is owned by the state, until the monopoly is broken in the mid-1990s. As the telecommunications market is liberalised, our use of the Internet grows.

C. F. Tietgen founds Kjøbenhavns Telefon-Selskab (The Copenhagen Telephone Company)
Businessman C.F. Tietgen acquires Bell Telephone Co. and merges it with the second telephone company which existed in Copenhagen. They become Kjøbenhavns Telefon-Selskab, while the name is changed to KTAS (Kjøbenhavns Telefon Aktieselskab – The Copenhagen Telephone Company Plc.).
Cable TV, mobile telephone services – and fewer telcos
The world’s first hand-held mobile telephone was invented almost ten years before Denmark develops its first mobile phone system in 1982. Cable TV is also introduced in the 1980’s. The major telecommunication companies handle the infrastructure for the development of the phone system, and in 1987, the number of Danish telcos has been consolidated into four providers.
From Tele Danmark to TDC Group
At the dawn of the new millennium, Tele Danmark changes its name to TDC Group. Now, the digitisation of both communication and experiences truly kicks off, and over the coming decades, TDC Group includes YouSee, Telmore, TDC Business and more.

TDC Group splits into two companies
The future is digital, and it requires both good infrastructure and a variety of services and solutions that can provide Internet, TV and telephone services. In 2019, the TDC Group completes a historic demerger, creating two independent companies. TDC NET provides the best mobile network and the fastest fixed-line connections, and shapes Denmark’s digital future with the rollout of fibre-optic broadband and 5G. Nuuday provides digital experiences and entertainment through a variety of providers such as YouSee, Telmore, Hiper and TDC Business.

1876 - 1879
The world's – and Denmark's – first telephones
Alexander Graham Bell patented the world’s first telephone and one year later the first telephones arrived in Denmark. In 1879, Bell Telephone Co. opens its branch in Denmark. Two years later in 1881, the company opens the first telephone exchange in Copenhagen to serve the city’s 22 subscribers.
C. F. Tietgen founds Kjøbenhavns Telefon-Selskab (The Copenhagen Telephone Company)
Businessman C.F. Tietgen acquires Bell Telephone Co. and merges it with the second telephone company which existed in Copenhagen. They become Kjøbenhavns Telefon-Selskab, while the name is changed to KTAS (Kjøbenhavns Telefon Aktieselskab – The Copenhagen Telephone Company Plc.).
1880s and 1890s
State monopoly on telephone services
At the end of the century, many local telephone companies were established around the country’s major cities, and around the turn of the century, there were as many as 57 telephone companies in Denmark. The telephone has become an important form of communication, and in 1897 the state had a monopoly on the establishment and operation of telephone services.
Cable TV, mobile telephone services – and fewer telcos
The world’s first hand-held mobile telephone was invented almost ten years before Denmark develops its first mobile phone system in 1982. Cable TV is also introduced in the 1980’s. The major telecommunication companies handle the infrastructure for the development of the phone system, and in 1987, the number of Danish telcos has been consolidated into four providers.
From monopoly to liberalised market
In 1990, the regional telecommunication companies in Denmark merged into one, Tele Danmark. The company is owned by the state, until the monopoly is broken in the mid-1990s. As the telecommunications market is liberalised, our use of the Internet grows.

From Tele Danmark to TDC Group
At the dawn of the new millennium, Tele Danmark changes its name to TDC Group. Now, the digitisation of both communication and experiences truly kicks off, and over the coming decades, TDC Group includes YouSee, Telmore, TDC Business and more.

TDC Group splits into two companies
The future is digital, and it requires both good infrastructure and a variety of services and solutions that can provide Internet, TV and telephone services. In 2019, the TDC Group completes a historic demerger, creating two independent companies. TDC NET provides the best mobile network and the fastest fixed-line connections, and shapes Denmark’s digital future with the rollout of fibre-optic broadband and 5G. Nuuday provides digital experiences and entertainment through a variety of providers such as YouSee, Telmore, Hiper and TDC Business.