Wellbeing, health and safety

Our workplace is all of Denmark.

We work in offices, from home or on the road as we roll out digital infrastructure. Wherever the work takes place, we always give high priority to a safe and healthy working environment.

TDC NET 7 Fibernedgravning Villavej 1 Low Srgb

Wellbeing, health and safety

We have significantly improved our performance and awareness over the past few years. The number of near misses reported is positive, and this is helping us getting better at prevention.

What have we achieved?

  • Our certified ISO 45001 management system enables us to provide safe and healthy workplaces as well as continuous improvements of our performance. 
  • Our annual Bradley survey focuses on development in our wellbeing-, health- and safety culture.
  • We have significantly improved our risk observation and near-miss reporting, which enable the prevention of real accidents.
  • We consider wellbeing, health and safety of our contractors to be just as important as that of our own employees. This is reflected in our agreements, audits, data collection and reporting as well as capacity building of contractors.     

What comes next?

  • Our goal is for TDC NET to be one of the safest places to work with a strong wellbeing, health and safety mindset.
  • We are shifting our focus from lost time injuries (LTI) to total recordable injuries (TRI), realising that all accidents contain valuable prevention knowledge, and that real improvement must be seen in the overall number of accidents.
  • Continuous focus on the importance of daily risk assessment in the work environment, exemplified in our STOP campaign.   

Want to know more? Download the latest annual report here
